






1 Play board games 玩棋盘游戏

2 Draw a silly picture 涂鸦

3 Paint 涂颜料

4 Read a book 读书

5 Sing 唱歌

6 Write a story/poem 写故事/诗

7 Take pictures 拍照

8 Fly paper airplanes 放纸飞机

9 Make a summer fun scrapbook 制作夏日剪贴簿

10 Build a blanket fort 建一个毯子城堡


11 Play dress up 玩换装游戏

12 Act out a story 表演故事

13 Have a tea party 举行一场茶会

14 Make puppets 制作木偶

15 Put on a puppet show 演木偶戏

16 Make a comic book 制作漫画书

17 Play I Spy 玩猜物游戏

  *“I spy”是一款在美国家喻户晓的猜谜游戏,一人找一在视线范围内的物品让对方猜,直到猜出为止,然后交换。

18 Play Hide and Go Seek 玩捉迷藏

19 Take a bubble bath 洗泡泡浴

20 Play charades 猜字谜游戏

21 Play beauty salon 美容院游戏

22 Sculpt with clay 用粘土做雕塑

23 Play school 扮演老师和学生

24 Play doctor 扮演医生

25 Play house 玩过家家

26 Write a letter 写封信

27 Pick flowers 采花

28 Blow bubbles 吹泡泡

29 Sword fight 比剑游戏

30 Swing 荡秋千

31 Take a walk 散步

32 Scavenger hunt 寻宝游戏

33 Hopscotch 跳房子

34 Fly a kite 放风筝

35 Chalk drawings 粉笔画

36 Frisbee 飞盘

37 Jump Rope 跳绳

38 Hula hoop 呼啦圈

39 Catch insects 抓昆虫

40 Have a water balloon fight 水球大作战

41 Build a sand castle 建沙堡

42 Have a sack race 套袋跑

43 Stage a mock battle 模拟战争

44 Play baseball 打棒球

45 Ride a bike 骑自行车

46 Play soccer 踢足球

47 Play badminton 打羽毛球

48 Go roller skating 溜旱冰

49 Play in the sprinkler 在(花草)喷水器中玩耍

50 Jump on a trampoline 去玩蹦床

51 Build a teepee 搭帐篷

52 Make invisible ink and write with it 制作隐形墨水并用它写字

53 Learn how to type 学打字

54 Grow vegetables 种蔬菜

55 Press flowers 压花

56 Build a bird feeder 做小鸟喂食器

57 Make a summer book club 组织夏日读书俱乐部

58 Take an art class at a craft store 在手工商店上艺术课

59 Learn how to shoot a bow and arrow 学习用弓箭射击

60 Learn karate 学空手道

61 Make your own musical instrument 自制乐器

62 Make flower crowns 编花冠

63 Learn how to cook 学烹饪

64 Learn how to sew 学针线活

65 Learn origami 学折纸

66 Learn sign language 学手语

67 Learn French 学法语

68 Learn Spanish 学西班牙语

69 Bake dessert 做甜点

70 Make jelly 做果冻

71 Do a science experiment 进行科学实验

72 Make jewelry 做饰品

73 Have a spelling bee 拼单词比赛

74 Make a lemonade stand 摆柠檬汁小摊

75 Play Hangman 猜单词

76 Put a puzzle together 玩拼图

77 Go to a farmer‘s market 去农贸市场

78 Visit a national monument 参观民族纪念碑

79 Go to the zoo 去动物园

80 Go hiking 去远足

81 Make a new friend in a new place 去新地方交新朋友

82 Go to discovery zone 去探索基地

83 Go to a carnival 参加一场嘉年华

84 Go to a water park 去水上乐园

85 Go to an aquarium 去水族馆

86 Visit an art gallery 去趟美术馆

87 Go to the beach 去沙滩

88 Go to the mountains 去爬山

89 Go to the park 去公园

90 Go on a picnic 去野餐

91 Go to an amusement park 去游乐园

92 Visit museum 去博物馆

93 Go fishing 去钓鱼

94 Visit relatives 看望亲戚

95 Go camping 去露营

96 Visit places of historic interest 参观名胜古迹

97 Go bird watching 去看鸟

98 Watch the sun rise or set over water 在海边看日出或日落

99 Go to yard sales 去跳蚤市场

100 Go sailing 去远航